Anyhow I tried this last night and prayed the Lord would make it work and let me sleep through the night. It worked!!!! Praise the Lord! I only coughed a handful of times and it was because I had turned away from the onion. I think perhaps a little onion sachet on both sides of the pillow might be a good option for those that switch sides. I am so happy this works. I feel so much better from having had a good nights sleep. I think it helped with the cold itself too perhaps. Still have junk in my throat and all but feeling better. There are a number of things you can do with onions and garlic for treating the cold and flu. I plan to try some out on myself and my husband tonight. I think it is so neat all the good things the Lord has provided us with in our food and herbs to help us.
My husband has a horrible chest cold so I am planning to make a onion poultice by mincing up a large onion and wrapping it in a cloth, rubbing olive oil or coconut oil on his chest to protect his skin from being irritated or burned from the onion juice, and wrapping a towel or plastic wrap around his chest to keep the onion poultice in place while he sleeps. I also want to do a garlic onion foot soak for him and garlic oil for his feet. The garlic oil is supposed to work it's way up through your body and has an affinity for your chest. So, the idea is it will help clear out and fight the infection in your body. Supposedly you do this before bed and you will wake up with garlic breathe. Proof that it went through your body. I will list the remedies below and how to do them if anyone is interested. If anyone has any remedies that helped them, feel free to share :)
* Disclaimer: These are suggestions I found on the web. It's for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice. See your doctor if you are sick or before using any home remedies. Use these remedies at your own risk.
Onion for a Cough
Chop and onion and wrap it in a breathable cloth like linen or cheesecloth making a sachet or place it in a bowl or cup beside your pillow. One on each side of the pillow would be good if the sick person is someone who tosses while sleeping. You can also attach or place the onion sachet on your nighty shirt so it's right under your head if you are a back sleeper.
Onion for Chest Congestion
Make a poultice by mincing an onion and wrapping it in breathable cloth. Place it directly on the chest of the ill person. It is a good idea to rub their chest with olive oil or coconut oil first to prevent the juices from the onion from irritating or burning their skin. Secure the poultice by wrapping the chest with a towel or plastic wrap. If doing this for a child take caution with the plastic wrap.
Onion Cough Syrup
Slice an onion and place it in a bowl alternating layers of onion and sugar until the last layer is sugar. Cover it and place it in the refrigerator overnight and by morning you will have cough syrup. You really can't taste the onion. Some people use honey but I can't. You don't want to do honey for kids under 1 year of age and some even say not to for kids under the age of 2. The dose is 1tsp of onion cough syrup every hour as needed for children so I would think adults would be double that. I think onion cough syrup may work as more of a expectorant rather than a suppressor. So it's probably best for day time.
Onion Garlic Foot Soak
Chop an onion, smash several cloves (not heads) of garlic and chop the garlic after smashing, add to a pot of boiling water. Shut off the heat and cover to steep for at least 15mins. The water should still be very hot. If not turn it back on and heat just until hot. Add the hot water to a foot basin or container large enough to soak your feet in. Soak your feet until the water has cooled off. You can also add some ginger as well. I would think a 3 tsp. of dried chopped ginger would be a good amount. Just guessing on this. Use your judgement.
Garlic Foot Oil
Smash several cloves of garlic (not heads) and then chop it. Place it in a bowl or a jar and cover with olive oil. Cover and allow it to set for an hour. Rub the oil on the bottom of your feet and cover with socks before going to bed.
* Disclaimer: These are suggestions I found on the web. It's for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice. See your doctor if you are sick or before using any home remedies. Use these remedies at your own risk.
Image of onions by Oatsy40, used under Creative Commons license.

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